RUN: There Is Never Enough Time
Genre: Action, Drama
Vincent "vinnie" Fitzpatrick aka Dephect is a graffiti artist in Liverpool, he is a part of a gang of fellow graffiti artists called "N3T", they become dominant (graffiti kings) in the underground graffiti world within Liverpool. When the intentions of the gang turn away from the art and towards money, drugs and violent crime, Vincent decides that he doesn't want to be part of the gang anymore (the determining factor for him wanting to run away is during an incident with a rival gang which leaves him seriously injured and his brother dead), however his fellow gang members aren't as enthusiastic for the idea and go after him to show him leaving the gang isn't as easy as simply running away. He remains in the graffiti culture alone and forever running.
We believe that this is a perfect synopsis for an Action Drama film. It has a consistancy of Action: the graffiti, the crime etc and Drama: The death of Vincents brother and the fall of realtionships between the gang/ crew.
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